lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

air pollution

The Earth has been severely affected by humanity during the last years, air pollution is probably one of the biggest factors affecting the place we live in. The Earth´s atmosphere is being damaged by all the smoke we create due to construction, fire, as well as many other things. Air is our main source for oxygen, and if we dont breath in any oxygen we wont be able to live, so just for a second stop and think what you really want, life or death.

Air pollution is contaminating the oxygen we breathe in, and soon the issue will become even bigger until we end up with no more clean air, which will lead to the death of everyone. Not only humans will die, animals and plants will also have to pay for the consequences. It is very sad how we are destroying our own home, it is something that will never be fixed. Think of your children and your grandchildren, they will be the ones who suffer and pay for all the damages we have caused. If we keep it this way, probably the world will come to an end before we get to 2020.

Millions of constructions made by humans are destroying the Earth. All the dust created by machines is going up to our atmosphere and destroying causing the UV rays to hit the Earth with more intensity. This makes climates change spontaneously, bringing hotter and colder temperatures depending on the season we are in. Cars are also one of the main causes for air pollution, millions of cars are being used every second, letting out chemicals and smoke that really affects the atmosphere. Factories also release smoke, which goes directly to the atmosphere which is being affected by all these different things. Dont you think this is enough for the Earth?

All the fires cause by humans also release a lot of smoke, and guess where it goes? To the atmosphere! So many different things keep adding up, and when we finally decide to take care of the world it will be too late and everything will disappear. There are millions of people aware of these issues, but not enough to make a difference and help the Earth. We need a change now! Every single person on Earth should be informed of the dangers we are facing, posters, tv adds, and other sources should be used to make people aware o the situation we are going through. We are the only ones in charge of making a difference and making the right decision, so are you going to help us? Stop for a minute and think closely of what you really want for the future, make a difference!

I bet most people are aware of the changes in temperature lately, days are really hot and the temperature is having lots of problems. And the only cause is air pollution, we have got to the point where we cant keep on doing the same things as before. Constructions, fires, and many other thing should be prevented because if we dont stop them it will be too late and everything will disappear. Money cant help stop this issue, only we can stop it. Ride your bike instead of driving your brand new car, prevent burning things, stop constructions, stop fabricating products that arent necessary, there are millions of ways in which you can prevent air pollution. We should all help the Earth because if we dont we will all die, as well as plants and animals, this will be the end of the Earth´s history. It is all our fault, and we have to fix it now, so for the last time think about what you really want for the future. Are you in with us?

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