domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

commercial post

I saw all of the videos and I really liked all of them because each one has a different message that is interesting. All of them had different and original ideas that I thought were interesting. The commercial that stuck out the most in my mind was the safety one because the messag that it gives you is 100% true, if you dont use protection you might ruin your life. Having a kid due to a mistake you did is something that I would never want to experience because it may be very sad. This is the link for the video I mentioned:

For my video Im planning to use original footage that I take, and some videos from youtube so that I can put them together and make a good commercial. Im also planning to put some music in it so that it makes it be more interesting and everyone likes it. Im expecting to face any challenges because I really want to learn how to make good videos and commercials, It might be somewhat hard to do the video but Im looking forward to it. In conclusion, I hope that this assingment turns out to be very fun and Im expecting to have a good time and learning a lot of things related to creating videos.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Video Reflection

This assignment was the one ive enjoyed the most. Making videos and editing them is pretty fun because you can create a lot of things and put them together to make a great commercial. Overal I enjoyed all videos, though there were a few that I think could be improved a little. I really liked the Coca Cola, the Dog Shelter, and the So you think you can dance because they were very well edited and put together. The idea for the Coca Cola commercial was very interesting and original, and the So you think you can dance commercial was very funny, they were the ones I enjoyed the most. There was one that was well edited but I think it needed a little more footage, it was the Advertisement project. I think it needed more original footage because it was mostly videos from youtube that were put together, but I also think that is was well edited. If I could re-do my project I would probably add more footage of myself and also add a little more footage from other videos in youtube. Overal I really enjoyed this assignment and I hope we get to do more that have to do with videos.

My Nike Soccer Video

Rudy F. Baby from markpicketts on Vimeo.