jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Family reunion

I still remember my 8th birthday in Acapulco with all my family together. We were at my house eating lunch all together and having a very good time. After we were done eating, my cousins, my friends and I started playing together some games like hide and seek. My parents bought me a piñata and lots of other presents, which made me very happy. Lots of candy was given out to my friends and cousins, as well as cake and other delicious desserts. It was probably one of the best birthdays Ive ever had because all my family was there as well as my friends, and I received lots of presents. I will never forget this moment because it was one of the happiest ever, I will always remember my 8th birthday.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

I choose a palm tree because Ive lived by the beach for all my life. There hasn't been a year in which I wasn't living in a place without a beach. I also picked it because its probably my favorite place to be in the whole world, Id rather be in the beach than in the city. The ocean is just the best thing in the world, and therefore I picked this tree.

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

Social Media Revolution

The Social Media Revolution video has very important facts of what is happening in the world nowadays or what will happen soon. I picked the theme that said that if facebook was a country it would be the 4th biggest in the whole world. I found out this very interesting because im involved in it as well as lots of my friends, we all have facebook accounts and we are all part of this social media.

There are lots of dangers here as well as positive facts. One of the dangers present is the fact that lots of people choose facebook as a past time instead of other activities. A coule years ago a fun past time was practicing any sport, whereas today facebook is a new past time. This involves no physical activity and its causing some people to be lazy, instead of being out exercising with your friends you now sit in your house talking to people by facebook or looking at pictures. Im not saying that having a facebook account is bad, its actually a pretty good thing because its an easy way of communicating with people from different parts in the world. The fact that its taking away physical activity from people is an issue, but it has its pros as I said before.

I have a facebook account but I am also protected because I love sports and a website isnt going to stop me from practicing them. I of course save some time for looking at pictures in facebook and talking to my friends, but most of the time Im doing any physical activity. Education should change a little in the way technology is managed, schools should recommend websites that teaches students something, so that they can focus on something else rather than being on facebook all the time. Preparing other activities that dont involve the internet would also be a little helpful, or prepare activities that involve historical websites that help students learn something new. In conclusion, I believe that facebook has its advantages and disadvantages and we are the ones in charge of changing these social media problems.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

Wassup ladies

whats up everyone how are you guys doing? Well I just wanted to tell you guys that im new in this blog thing, so hopefully later on ill be using it more. I believe blog is used to communicate with your friends and teachers, talk about lots of things that happened to you during your day, or any other thing. I expect blog to be fun, so that we can use it a lot any time and just talk with your friends, also to remind people about what homework they have to turn in, or even turn homework in through here. Creating a blog is probably one of the easiest thing ever, I looked through a youtube video that was 2 minutes long, and it taught me how to create a new account instantly. In order to have all my classmates in my friend list we logged in to facebook and everybody posted their adress in a message, so it was pretty fast and easy. Well I think thats about it folks, Ill keep on posting up some more comments later on. Peace.